Thursday, February 11, 2010

America! oh wait....

So I'm finally home!!!

just kidding.

Still stuck in Beijing til the avalanche back west clears.  We were supposed to fly out yesterday at five, but our flight was cancelled until tomorrow at 5. But! A plus to the delay?  First class tickets!!! wooohooo! I've never flown first class before.  Cannot wait.  Sooooo, I will be back in the states at 5:30 on Friday afternoon.  Just in time for the Opening Ceremonies!!! Wooo!

So our shows in Beijing?  Quite eventful. Well, for me. And not in a good way.  Somehow, over the past week I contracted something resembling, quite perfectly, the bubonic plague.  And No (Mark and Mom), it's not because I wasn't taking care of myself.  I blame it on the Great Wall.  Anyway, this plague included the deterioration of every part of my body except my throat.  Good! you say, right?  Because I have to sing,  so not having my throat hurt is a good thing?  Sure, except that whatever monster was living in my chest decided to not allow me to belt, which is what the entirety of "Teachers Argument" is.    So long story, short.  I had no voice.  It was the hardest 5 shows of my life.  But it made me realize once again, how amazing this cast is.  They all stayed in the wings and cheered me on after the song, and always had words of encouragement for me throughout the whole process.  I love them (for the 4000th time). And I will miss my Fame-ly (copyright Justine Long) so so much.  And now it's over.  No words can really express what this experience was for me.  So I won't try. I'm sure you've all gotten the gist over the past 2 months (:  Thank you all so much for keeping me company! I love you all! FameinChina forever! Can't wait to see you!

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